Friday, April 17, 2009


I just finished cutting the grass (a surprise for Tim who's had a long week) after what seems like weeks of rain. My yard is small so don't be impressed :o) Anyway, the smell of the gasoline that I got on my hands combined with the wonderful aroma of fresh cut grass reminded me of my PopPop..if I only had some cowboy boots to wear..... Then I realized that I hadn't posted any updates lately. He's on the rehabilitation floor of a nursing home right now. He's been making progress: eating better, talking more, remembering names, moving his right side more. All good things. Yesterday though, PopPop had another TIA (mini-stroke) yet he seems to be bouncing back very quickly. I continue to covet your prayers.


Kim Yeatts said...

This is good news!
I enjoyed the play at LU...hope you guys did, too! Your girls did a great job sitting for so long!

Adrienne said...

I was just thinking I hadn't asked how he was doing ~ I am off to the MD with the boys today ... the yuck just isn't going away. ugh.