Thursday, June 4, 2009

time flies....

The warm weather takes me outside...away from my computer, away from my sewing machine, away from, well, inside. There's nothing like the smell of fresh cut grass, the aroma of garden dirt, and the wonderful scent of tomato plants. It. is. time. Summer is almost here. The cloudless sky after what seemed like a month of rain has allowed us to be very productive. My little garden in the city has been planted.

The plant markers have been made.

My mother's day gifts, which looked like this...

now look like this.

From left to right I have a Peanut Cactus, Old Man of the Andes, and Crazy Bunny. The Peanut Cactus is the only one struggling with the transplanting...she was covered in beautiful fuchsia colored blooms but they have withered. I'm hoping she'll revive in the wonderful summer heat. The girls enjoyed hunting for all the rocks in the garden, washing them off, and then painting them. I originally intended for all of the cactus rocks to be white, but that just wasn't fancy enough. The purpose, of course, besides being fancy, is to absorb the sun's heat so my lovely trio of cacti will be warm and happy.

We also acquired a new hammock for some serious relaxing time during the warm summer evenings. They look relaxed, right? And just so you can smile....miss E calls it a ham hock! hehe! That's what I called her chubby legs when she was a little more plump.(o:

The girls and I also did some cleaning of this...

in preparation for our new family member...Shadow.

We got the litter box ready, too. Okay, so this is the girls' first pet and all of the details were revealed to them. Can I just say that cleaning the litter box is not something they look forward to doing. However, miss E calls it a GLITTER box. I know, cute, right? I can't make myself correct her....but it does make me want to fancy up the kitty loo a bit.

So, the month of May vanished before my eyes and now I'm knee deep in June. I'm having lots of fun with my family and friends and I'm trying to soak it up before June evaporates. As I sit here this morning the girls are enjoying playing with their dolls while they watch Shadow play in a bag. Suddenly it clicks and miss O gets it when people say let the cat out of the bag! He purrs loudly in the midst of dolls and doll clothes and in the distance I hear my sewing machine sigh with loneliness. It looks like a rainy day is on it's way...maybe I'll work on some sewing during naptime since we'll be housebound. How's your day shaping up?

1 comment:

Becky said...

Your summer is off to a wonderful start what with a new "ham hock" and a "glitter" box!! hee hee too cute!

Can't wait til she smells what the glitter box is holding!