Friday, December 5, 2008

sometimes ...

...I feel like a nut!

This is one of my holiday favorites. It's nice to enjoy a nutritious nutty snack and a hot cup of tea sometimes. The girls are like little beggars as soon as they hear the first cracking sound. They enjoy eating the almonds, but I think they enjoy watching the nut-cracking process even more. It's a challenge to crack the shell just right so that the nut inside doesn't break...I'm rarely successful, but the end result is still such a treat. Of course, every few minutes E will ask if there are any peanuts in there. I reassure her that there are NO PEANUTS so she is safe, but I also remind her that she is doing the right thing by asking over and over. It's a good habit that both girls's for E's health and ask away!

Well, I just got them down for nap time and I feel like I could use a nap, too. Let me just recap our morning. I didn't make a to-do list today because sometimes that feels overwhelming. What I did do was write things down that I accomplished as the day went along. This is my reverse to-do list: 1)put away clean, folded laundry 2)sort dirty laundry 3)put 1st load in washer 4)change sheets on all beds...this alone is enough for the day. I mean, when was the last time you changed sheets, blankets, quilts on a bunk bed? Seriously, it's like a workout. I wonder how many calories I burn because it's hard work trying to take off 4layers and put on 4layers all while I'm on the mattress that I'm trying to cover. Surely it's a sight to see. Anyway, the girls entertain themselves, while I burn my calories, by playing with the...dirty sheets. Eewww! Okay, so they're probably not that dirty, but they roll up in them, pile them up and jump in them, spread them out and lay down on them while the other one drags the sheet. Oh, it's quite the hay day! 5)put in next load of laundry 6)fix and serve snack 7)put some laundry in dryer (ugh!) and crazily hang my Martha Washington Blanket on the clothesline. Yeah, I know it's super cold, but today it's tolerable and there's a breeze so the blanket may actually dry...although I'll have to put in the dryer tonight for a few minutes just to soften it up a little. 8)take girls outside to play...they made "nature soup" and I raked leaves...burning more calories! 9)back inside we go to warm up while I put in the last load of laundry 10)fix, serve, and eat lunch and enjoy time with Daddy on his lunch break 11)put girls down for a nap then write blog post. Phew! That's my day so far and it's only 1:45. Okay, so in between all of those things there was a little singing, dancing, playing, and cleaning up of toys...those things are just part of our every day life so they didn't get numbered .:o) Now, I've got some Christmas gifts to work on so I think I'll take this quiet time to sew instead of nap. Plus, I can't work on the girls' gifts while they're awake...they're too stinkin' smart....they'll figure it out! So enjoy your day!


Adrienne said...

Ok - you just wore me out ... I'm going back to bed.

Kim Yeatts said...

Hey, all you need to add to that day was a four mile run!

Zoƫ said...

I am going to take a nap just after reading that list;)

Kim Yeatts said...

I must be a nut, too...I LOVE nuts! It is much more fun to crack them, too.