Remember last year when I ran in a couple of
5K races? Okay, well if you don't remember you'll have to trust me, I the rain.....both times. Anyway, I ran in those races with my friends Kim and Heather.
(soaked after racing in the rain...that's Kim in the middle)Since that time we have all continued to run...yes, even during the winter-crazy, I know. Anyway, Kim took it one step further and began training for a half-marathon. Seriously, I have no desire to run that far all at one time. But Kim...she's one determined, self-motivated, goal-oriented girl! She's been running, and training, and getting her times better this whole time. It's quite amazing. Well, today was the half-marathon and she did a great job. I don't know her exact time but I know that it was good and she beat the goal she set for herself!
Congratulations Kim!
Yay for Kim! I just finished my first 5K today. Very fun experience. I would love to one day manage a half-marathon! Very inspiring. :)
You are sweet, my friend. Thanks!
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