Sunday, January 31, 2010

it's not groundhog day yet...

so why does it feel like I've been through this winter storm already? Seriously, there is more than a foot of snow on the ground...again. This time though, it's much colder. I did brave the unbelievably cold temperatures this morning to grab the Sunday paper. I had to dig my way out then carefully trudge down the front walk to retrieve it and man, oh, man, it was cold! But it was so beautiful I asked Tim to grab my camera for me. So if you heard anyone saying, "Who's that crazy lady taking pictures of the snow -in her bathrobe and boots-when it's only ONE degree outside?" Oh, well, that would be me :o) I couldn't help it, the morning sun was sparkling on the snow. Here are some shots from yesterday while it was still snowing. We spent time inside, warm and cozy. There were dolls, dress-up clothes, and play food everywhere! We also managed to do some reading and cookie making.
We did make our way out into the snow yesterday while it was still snowing. It's a fluffy snow this time. The girls made snow angels, cleaned off the slide and see saw and played on those. We managed to tolerate it for about an was only 16 degrees and the wind was blowing. Then we came in and enjoyed some hot chocolate with marshmallows. Mmmmmm.
Just one more picture for you. Our front porch rocker...yes, the screened in porch has several inches of snow inside because of the wind. And our chairs on the back porch are full of snow. I just sat out there in the sunshine the other day and did a little crocheting. Boy, this weather is crazy. I am ready for warm weather. Ready, I tell ya!
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Today after the temperature rises considerably we'll probably make our way out into the snow again. But there will be much enjoying of the cozy warmth of the house, too.
I am so thankful for shelter and heat and safety and family. Please don't forget about the needs in Haiti. If you want to help just click on one of the links up at the top left of the page. xo ANG


Adrienne said...

Can you believe this weather! I'm done. Ready for spring ;-)

Melissa said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one outside taking pictures in my pajamas!! You captured the sparkling snow very well!!