Monday, August 25, 2008

finished products unveiled...yippee! are the things I have been working on this week.
The first is an apron for my mother-in-law's birthday. Her birthday party was Sunday, but her actual birthday is Tuesday. Anyway...let me introduce the apron I like to call the American as Apple Pie Apron.
it's reversible...I couldn't resist

The printed fabric is off white with blue apples, blue plums, and red cherries. It is a truly beautiful vintage material. I had a hard time cutting it, but I just knew it was perfect. That vintage material had belonged to Tim's granny...Grandma Sandy's mom. She had given it to me a little while after Tim and I got married. I've had it all this time not really knowing what to do with it....I'm glad it finally found a good home :o)
I also (with the help of the girls) made two tissue covers for Grandma Sandy. I let the girls loose in my fabric and they got to choose whatever they wanted. I helped choose coordinating material for the inside and the trim on the outside. They helped trace around the template onto the fabric, I did the cutting of the fabric, then they helped with the sewing. Boy did they have fun getting their little paws on my sewing machine!
And there is the birthday girl with her new/vintage apron. There's one more birthday coming up...more sewing to do!


Zoë said...

Great job!!! Love the apron!!!

angela said...

Thanks Zoe! I totally stole the tissue idea from you because yours turned out so cute...sorry I forgot to credit you for the idea!

Anonymous said...

Not only is the apron a wonderful gesture but all the attention is fantastic!! I love the time at the beach, the dessert.. all the way down to the crown. I'm sure she was glowing with love.

Super idea!

Anonymous said...

love that apron!