Friday, August 15, 2008

thankful thursday (on friday)

In God we have boasted all day long, And we will give thanks to Your name forever. Selah. Psalm 44:8
Let me just preface this post by saying the girls had their doctor appointments yesterday.
one - growing girls - Miss O is now 42 lbs(50th percentile) and 45 1/2(75th percentile) inches tall! Miss E is 35 lbs(80th percentile) and 39 inches(75th percentile) tall. Both are comfortably on the growth chart. They've come a long way from being off the really skinny and one, well, not so skinny!
two - brave girls - I am happy to say that both girls were very comfortable with the doctor and even when they got shots and finger pricks there was minimal crying. The crying they did do was pretty quiet. Believe me, they can wail, but they were super brave and not at all traumatized by the event. I'm so proud of them. I think it helped to read about Elmo going to the doctor and watch The Magic School Bus about germs, sickness, and why it's important to get check-ups and shots.
three - a doctor who listens - If you have ever taken your child to the doctor, whether it be the ER or just the pediatrician, you have probably been dismissed at some point as an over-protective, anxious, don't-know-what-you're-talking-about mother. Let me just tell you that throughout both appointments (which they were kind enough to overlap so we wouldn't have to be there so long) the doctor and the nurse never doubted or dismissed a word I said. Believe me I had a list, a little, tiny, short list, of concerns and questions....all of which were addressed and thoughtfully answered. From ear wax solutions to epi-pen prescriptions - I never felt for one minute that they were rushing through the appointment or internally rolling their eyes because of my concerns.
One more thing...
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; The fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3

Okay, I don't think that this is what that verse was talking about, but these pictures were way too cute not to share!


Zoë said...

We also have a couple of docs that do just that ...listen. Boy that can not be over rated!!! I love that I can bring all my concerns and worries to them and they take them away.

Love the gifts from God photos. I know I feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

How many times have I told you that I LOVE Thankful Thursday-- or Friday! :)
I really enjoy these. Thanks for getting me hooked.

Love the pictures!!