Right now I am sitting on my nice comfy couch with my newly revived laptop, half-watching the Olympics while I type this post. Once again tonight I walked for an hour with my friend Kim. As we walked, at our very quick pace, I realized that I would not be doing this without her encouragement....also known as peer pressure. I enjoy the walks. I enjoy the conversation. Of course, there are gaps in the talking when we're going up a steep incline, but a girl has to breathe! So, three times tonight in the hour of walking we actually jogged. Oh yeah, she's using the peer pressure to push us a little farther. Peer pressure is a good thing, especially for me, because I'm not one to push myself. So, go ahead Kim, keep saying "let's jog to the next block, or to the light, or whatever" I'll do it because I'd be a big giant sissy if I didn't. I need the exercise, I need the external motivation. Well, now I have to do some envelope addressing so my new found free-to-move-about-the-cabin blogging must come to an end. So for my closing thought...
peer pressure is not always a bad thing. If it pushes you outside of your comfort zone to better yourself or accomplish things that you should be doing but aren't self-motivated to do on your own then I say bring it on!
Good for you! I gotta get my mojo back ...
I so would not be doing as good at Weight Watchers if I was not going with a friend! It works well having someone to "help" you along;)
You go girl! I'll live vicariously through you! ;)
I agree- it does help to have someone to spur ya on.
Now, no snacks, munchies or sweets as you sit blogging!!! Kinda defeats the purpose!!! ;)
You are an encouragement to me, too, Angela!! You are much better company than 'ole Buddy-Boy...you smell better, too!
Thanks again for the halls cough drops last night...I couldn't have made it without them...
Hope to see you Friday night. Same time, same route, same positive peer pressure!
Wow! Thanks for all of the encouragement. There's nothing like accountability to keep me going.
Kim - bring it on!
Zoe - I agree 100% Keep up the good work with WW
Jade & Adrienne - it's all good...grab a friend a get going.
Amy - don't you worry...I employ the "gum diet" What? Oh yeah, I chew a lot of gum during naptime and after they go to bed...it tricks my brain into thinking I've got a nice sweet treat, but no fat or calories!! Go ahead...call me crazy...but it works (for me).
Valuable resource of peer pressure news summaries: http://ng2000.com/ng2000bb/YaBB.pl?num=1221458001
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