Thursday, August 21, 2008

thankful thursday

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching, and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in work or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. -Colossians 3:16-17

one - lots and lots of grape tomatoes - Despite the lack of rain our grape tomatoes are bountiful. There's nothing like a great big salad adorned with juicy, vine-ripened, garden fresh tomatoes.
two - motivated, holding-me-accountable friends - Still walking (with a little jogging mixed in for the sake of an increase in heart rate). Our goal is to walk at least 3 times a week, 4 times if at
all possible. Four miles each time. Bring it on, baby!
three - helpers in the kitchen - My girls really love to get under my feet be helpful in the kitchen. We made some rice crispie treats, a yummy snack that is quick and easy and perfect for little ones to make, plus, we all enjoy them (even Daddy because they're gluten free). Then we gathered up all of their play dishes and utensils so they could have a go at washing dishes. No dishwasher's all by hand in our house. I personally don't mind washing dishes, I just crank up the radio and wash away! (I know Mama, it's taken 35 years and I finally don't complain about it!) Anyway, the girls had a ball! There was water and sudsy bubbles everywhere. They stood in their chairs at the sink for almost an hour scrubbing, rinsing, taking turns, getting wet, and having fun.


Zoë said...

That's funny because Elijah always wants to wash the pots, but I never want to deal with it (that is so sad here is a kid that wants to do the dishes and I say no, but it is faster for me just to do it.) But I have been making myself let him do it.

Anonymous said...

OK I don't have a dish washer either. I can see they had loads of fun. I also enjoy doing my own and doing some thinking at the same time. Love BIg G

Anonymous said...

Lovin' Thankful Thursday!!! :o}

Your daughters are adorable!-Suds and all!