Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; Sing praises to our God on the lyre, Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who provides rain for the earth, Who makes the grass to grow on the mountains. Psalm 147:7-8one - rain, rain, and more rain! - It hasn't rained here since very early in July so I am so thankful for days of rain. I can already see the tomatoes in my garden smiling. two -
beautiful babies - We had a
play date with some dear friends the other day that was long overdo...great conversation for the moms, great fun for the kids, I mean
really cute's their youngest, adorable right?!
three -
new discoveries - The other day Miss O asked for one of the books high on

her bookshelf, you know, the books that are to be admired but not touched, especially by little sister. Well, I gave it to her, then minutes later she asked for another, then she started pulling all the Sweet Pickles books off the shelf that were mine when I was little. Books. Were. Everywhere. She came out of her room about 20 minutes later and said
...."Mom! Mom! I can read everything on my shelf!" I, of course, knew she could all along, but she didn't have the
want to sit still with books with more words than pictures (we all love a great picture book). She was so excited to discover it. She's only 5 years old and already has her nose in a book most of the time.
1 comment:
your daughter's realization is so sweet! I'm with you about the rain! Recently we received a lot of rain and I love just sitting back and watching it!
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