...Old Navy had a $1 flip-flop sale so we went to get the girls some new ones. Believe it or not, I didn't get any for myself...self-control :o) Okay, so all they had left, by the time we got there, were black ones. No pink, no purple, no periwinkle, just black. But black goes with everything, so this is perfect. Oh, no it's not...they're not fancy, princess-y, or cute. No problem...we can make them cute. So we did! Here's a before and after.
...Do you love limes? Do you love lemonade? Oh man! You're gonna love this drink then.

....We went down to the river yesterday to go for a nice walk. A long cool summer shower passed over while we were there. Thankfully, the trees formed a nice canopy for us so we didn't get soaked. I got some great pictures though. We found a plant with some great big leaves, huge, gigantic, enormous leaves. It was like being in Jurassic Park...minus the dinosaurs. We also saw a deer cross the path not too far in front of us...I got a picture...of it's butt! Sorry, it was on it's way escaping the sounds of my not-so-quiet girls. At least I have a picture to prove we saw it. I also got a cool shot of a raindrop hitting a puddle. The blackberry bushes were lining the path...so tempting...so yummy looking...but not ripe yet. Oh, I'll be back for those....if the deer doesn't eat them all first. There was a beautiful mimosa tree on the trail that I really wanted to get some good pictures of , but it was raining too hard for me to get a decent shot.
First of all.. is there anything better than awesome deal?? Dresses? Shoes? Way to be frugal!
Secondly, great idea with the shoes! They are adorable and I am sure you had tons of fun making them.
I love a great bargain! However, my little one, who loves her cute flip flops, has already picked four pompoms off of hers. What a little stinker...I guess I'll go get the glue..again :o)
Love the shoes, love the photos, love the dresses.
Great job! Sorry I have been away and not commenting, busy busy busy, but I miss reading your blog so I am getting back on it now!;)
Thanks Zoe, glad you're back!
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