Okay, as promised, I will fill you in on
VBS. Our church doesn't do the normal one week of fun. We do a few Sunday evenings with a catered meal for all of the families to enjoy and fellowship, then the kids are off for some
VBS fun. Well, if you know me, I can't just drop off my girls, so I am always the snack lady. Not a bad gig really. I get to hang out, and usually have time to play with Miss E and any other kids too small for
VBS. This year Miss E is old enough for
VBS, but since she won't even go to her Sunday School class it was doubtful that she would go. I brought the regular bag of entertaining things: a doll, a
magnadoodle, a flap book, a coloring book & crayons. Last summer she had a blast hanging out with me in the gym, but while each group came in to have their snack she had to go and sit down for a while (so as not to get trampled). So here we are. She's 3 years old now. I took the bag of toys just in case, all the while hoping that she would take that leap into "big kid" fun and actually go to the class. Then I found out that the 3 year old class has no teacher...so no class. Bummer! Then she says she wants to go with Miss O in her class (4 & 5 year
olds). I offer that suggestion to the teacher... she's all for it, plus if Miss E flakes out, I'm easy to find....I'm in the gym the whole time. I anxiously watch as she goes through the door with all the big kids.Holding her big sister's hand.Never looking back. *sigh* Is she a big kid now? Miss O did a great job including her in the games and crafts. (you know I had to sneak down the hall and peak in the window of their classroom) They were having a lot of fun. I thought that maybe when their class came in for snacks that she would start to crumble and want to stay with me, but alas, she was strong and happy, and excited! When snack time was over and they were lining up to go on their next adventure she hugged my leg, grabbed Miss
O's hand, and went happily hopping down the hall. Wow. This may be the corner around which we shall turn. preschooler + confidence + big sister security =
VBS fun with the big kids!
the abandoned toy bag...poor little Tallulah looks a little lonely
lesson and craft about God's faithfulness...at the big kid table
snack time after getting hot and sweaty outside
her face says it all
Both girls had a great time, although they wanted to stay a little longer to play some more. It was late and the tears of tiredness were mere moments away. So off we went. We are looking forward to the next VBS night.
Oh yeah, the baby birds. I have this crazy bush outside my kitchen window. I don't know what kind it is but no matter how much I cut it back it seems to grow and grow, not evenly mind you, but crazily, with long sprigs sticking out everywhere. Very Dr. Seuss-ish. Anyway, in the spring I cut that sucker waaayyyy back. Just the other day I was thinking I need to trim it again, but Tim looked out the window and saw a bird nest in there with three little birds in it. Catbirds...mocking birds. Needless to say, the mother bird is not at all happy that we discovered her nest because I am forever trying to get the perfect shot. I mean, seriously, the nest is like 2 feet from my window. I raised the screen a little so when I open the window a little bit my camera can focus without the problem of the screen. Here are a couple of shots...these are still not what I'm hoping to capture, but at least you can see how cute they are.
The mommy bird was coming with a little food...every time she's near they all open their mouths like crazy, I love it. The little guy in the front was just eye-balling me, probably because the mom was stalling. She doesn't really like it when I open the window.
When I get the perfect shot I'll be sure to share it with you. These little guys have changed so much just since the other day. I hope I get the perfect shot before they learn to fly and leave the nest.
Good for Miss E! Also good job Miss O. You are one lucky Mom.
Love the birds!
I have never heard of VBS done this way.-- neat idea!
Sounds like the girls had a wonderful time-- I'm proud of them both! :)
Thanks ladies! I'm proud of my girls, too. They had a great time.
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